He Cares?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. (Jn 4?14 )

First-handed hearing, faith & living water:
1. Living Water (v.14) — with Jesus, we have a well of living water in us (the Spirit)!
2. Living Faith (v.40) — the Spirit lives in us. Start listening to the Spirit today and feed yourself with the living water!
Jesus stayed in Samaria for 2 days to strengthen those believing him because of the woman’s testimony. Second-handed hearing will not bring strong faith, only those with first-hand hearing can have their faith able to stand trials.

?last Sunday’s gospel meeting, A sister came from Canada invited her friend – a lady from Calgary . The lady believed with sincere heart, she admitted that when she was young, she had stood up in gospel meeting showing her belief in Jesus. But in fact she had not yet believed, and she asked the church to cancel her name afterward! Several decades passed quickly, she had moved to North America. But this time in HK she is serious towards God — and no turning back!

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