Precious treasure , living stream!

John, Voice Divine Add comments
and I give them life eternal; and they shall never perish

Voice Forever, Eternal Unity:
1. My sheep listen to my voice (v.16) — guidance & presence of the Lord come from listening. Are you listening?
2. My Father and I are one (v.30) — as the children of God, we should be one .

* God’s servants Shing Wah & Siu Yung report ( HK)- prayers request Kwan Kit & Lai Yee, ( parents of Tin Min who passed away as a baby earlier last year) One year later, Lai Yee just gave birth to a baby (named Chi Hang) last Monday – but baby has a heart problem. Kwan Kit askes for prayers from Ark Channel readers.(BB in stable condition . But coming week will be critical.) Pls pray that the baby to receive appropriate treatment , & Lai Yee can provide good quality milk to BB. (The baby has to stay in hospital for a longer period , so the family has to make rearrangement).

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