Choice Divine !

John, Voice Divine Add comments

The book of John, seven miracles:
1. How to receive salvation — through God’s words (Ch2, water to wine), by faith (Ch4, healing the official¡¦s son), receiving grace (Ch5, healing the disabled)
2. What will salvation brings — satisfaction (Ch6, 5000 are fed), peace (Ch6, Jesus walks on the sea), light (Ch9, the blind sees), Resurrection (Ch11 Lazarus lives again) The son of God brings new life to a hopeless world!

* Bible teacher Peter Lau taught in Sunday school. One of his students — the daughter of Dr Tsui — was not quite obedient. Her mother sent the daughter to a rural area in America. She went to church there for a month , got nothing to relied on but God. Though she got 150 bites from mosquito, her spritual condition changed after that month , and came to know the meaning of life!
*Footprint of saints- Young leaders Ng Wai Cheong & his wife came to HK from Vancouver , Alex Lam from Toronto – returned home today . May God bless them as they work for the kingdom of God.

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