Strengthen Feeble Arms!

John, Voice Divine Add comments
..I am the light of the world; he that follows me shall not walk in darkness..

Only walk in Your light:
1. only Jesus was left — Jesus is the only one who is innocent. He can judge and He can forgive! (v.9)
2. I am– Jesus is God, the eternal one — “I am “(v59)

* Ten years ago, McGill Alexander and his family were kidnapped by a Taiwan gangster Chen Jiang Hing. They were later released. In his book –Hostage Taipei –True Story- Forgiveness Hope, recalled the church pastor — Bill Martin who asked other saints to pray for them. Within a few hours, all foreign saints in Taiwan prayed for this and news was spread to Europe, America and South Africa. Even those who did not know him prayed for him. Chen later surrounded, repented and baptized before his execution. God had heard the church prayers!
* HK – Bro Lau Wai Lun will have chemotherapy next Monday. He rejoices in Jesus but is still worrying about the treatment. Plse pray for him, his wife & his little daughter.

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