God is our Shield!

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
… Father, save me from this hour…

The way to Glory :
1. a kernel of wheat produces many seeds (v.24) — death at work in Jesus ,life at work in us!
2. Father honours those who serve wholeheartedly (v.26) — where His will leads , we follow! Suffering with the Lord, Receiving honour with Him & united with Him!

* In the mid-20th century, life unstable in China. A university student once reading Psalm 84 ,he was touched by the Holy Spirit . In the following 55 years, he spent entire life to serve God. He went through wars, jail, sickness ,but his spiritual fruits globally. Before he passed away, he testified that once he was weak , God encouraged him — “The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.” (1 John 2:17) He is Rev. Stephen Chiu.??? Let’s check out what Psalm 84 is about!

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