To Serve!

John, Voice Divine Add comments
But me you have not always (12:8)

Your presence my treasure ?
1. We enjoyed Jesus’s grace & miracle. What should we do to express our love to Him? (v.3-7)
2. Do we ever treasure the presence of the Lord? Do we see His presence more precious than everything? (v.8)

* I had an interview with a sister Pan Yu ?? from Chang Sha last year. She takes care of MR children in a centre which was set up by her faith in the Lord. Recently she writes , ” I feel grateful when I receive your email everyday. I hope you can pass this message to saints . We are launching a workshop for MR children. We need facilities for the producing some of handicrafts. It can only be bought in from US or HK. It would be great if anyone can provide us in love of Christ . Thanks.” (Pan Yu , CEO of · Developmental Centre for MR Children. Chang Sha, Hunan ???????????????)
( Sam Kong remarks : more info or contact the sister through the Ark Channel)

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