Be at Rest ?

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
… The night is coming, when no one can work? <9:4>

Knowing the precious Lord:
1. The blind can see (Jn 9:25) – The miracle of opening a blind’s eyes had never happened in the Old Testament. Only the Messiah has the power to open the blinds’ eyes. The Lord is the one!
2. Worship Jesus (Jn 9:37–38) – many things are more valuable then diamond: freedom, righteousness, truth, friendship, family love, romantic love, and the most precious of them, eternal life – God’s life. Jesus met the blind again to reveal the Son of God to him, so that he can gain the most precious.

?3 C’s for this life – last week 68 youths in my church?HK – F.5/F.7, many grew up in church since childhood ?offered their life to God in tears! Michael, a football fan, witnessed that he is willing to live for 3 things only: Christ, Church, Cross. Pls pray –Lord, take their all — time, studies, future, love, career, family –
for your purpose only!)

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