New Journey!

John, Voice Divine Add comments
Peace with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. (v.21)

Sending us as the Father has sent Jesus! (v.19-31)
1. By the end of 19th century, 6 Presbyterian missionaries went to Korea from US. Soon they established churches in 40+ places, bringing forth revival of Korea in 1907. Today 30% Koreans are Christians – highest ratio in Far East.
2. Still sending us after resurrection – the is not men’s work but Lord’s. Revivals took place one after another– the Moravian brethrens, Wales of UK, Shandong of China, Indonesia…recently gospel blazes in Russia, Africa & S. America.
Our Lord is still sending us – just as that very first day! Many sacrificed their lives to bring gospel to us.Let us continue their path – so as to express our thanks to God’s mercy & kindness!

?Saved timely! – summer harvest in HK – “my church have 4 gospel meetings in YL, HK Island, TW & SPK. Target – elderly & housewives?5/7, 9/7, 11/7, 12/7 10:00am,?Backup with yr holy prayer! ” — fr Sam Kong

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