Give me thy heart !

John, Voice Divine Add comments
Whom seek thou? <20:15>

His presence is my joy:
1. When hopeless…seek our Lord!?v.1…9?
2. Facing failure …seek His face!?v.10…18?
3. In weakness …trust in Him, again!?v.19…31?
The dead end of men is the new start of God!

?Ah Leong who has believed in Christ for 3 years, witnessed that he couldn’t sleep alone before knowing Jesus .He was afraid of going to funerals (he would suffer from insomnia for 10+ days afterward). But after he came to Christ , he turned a joyful person,quitted gambling, no more idols at home -and no more worry about
his business!
?Fr Patrick Yip (HK) — In our home meeting a devoted sister Victoria Lam will receive a major operation -on 5/July . The surgery will last for several hours, & is very important for her. Pls ask b/s in Ark Channel to pray for her, thanks

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