Mission Divine !

John, Voice Divine Add comments
I pray for them … (v.9)

Purpose of life – glorify God, life or death:
1. Our Lord’s purpose of life – only to complete God’s work (v.4) – Stephen Hawking cannot give a full answer of the origin of mankind & the purpose of our existence . But Jesus revealed that the universe was created through him, he had authority over the wind & the sea, can drive out demons & heal the sick (just as the designer of a car can repair it). And Jesus had completed his purpose of life — glorifying God!
2. Our purpose of life so simple– complete our divine mission & glorify God (v.10) – God has given you talents, hoping you to finish your mission to bring blessings to the society & the church — to glorify God ultimately!

* Pastor C. T. Tam??? who moved from HK to US ,has a daughter M. K. Tam???. The girl loves God since she was small. She now suffering from cancer,. After the b/s prayed for her, her survival time was prolonged to 30 days! Few days ago she had an opportunity to try a new medicine! Pls pray for her , all those reading Ark Channel, thanks! — C. Y. Leung ??? of The Media Evangelism Ltd(HK)
(When Tam’s testimony story broadcasted, 2 youths gave up killing themselves .. Another old man in NY believed in Jesus just before death – because of Tam’s good testimony.)

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