In Him, With Him?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
I leave peace with you…<14:27>

Living in each other!
1. In me (v.16-20) – The Spirit lives us, & God invites us to live in him – God & men , a mutual abode!
2. No trouble & fear (v.27) — Be strong, the Triune God who gives us peace always with us.
We will be troubled & afraid in new environment, challenges, opportunities or changes. But God is always with us, never fail us or forsake us. Enjoy the peace our Lord left for us – stop being troubled & afraid!

?The killer C. H. Chan??? of Taiwan , after hhis repentance , had brought at least 3 fellow prisoners to Christ. When Chan was executed, the army officer McGill Alexander who had been kidnapped by him , with his family , prayed for Chan. The reporter of Formosa Television Inc. phoned McGill and asked why they could forgive him. His wife answered, “God hates sin, but He loves sinners!”

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