Living in Exile?

John, Voice Divine Add comments
… I desire that where I am they also may be with me <17:24>

4 reasons of overcoming the enemies:
1. We share His holy life?v.1…5?
2. We proclaim His holy name?v.6…12?
3. We have Lord’s words which sanctify us ?v.13…19?
4. We share His glory?v.20…26?

*Good news – Hallelujah! Thanks the Lord, Bro W. L. Lau ???(HK) had a pet-scan yesterday which verified that all cancers cells were killed. He has to receive 2 more injections & then has a rest until Sept -before he can be back to his office. Bro Lau wants to say thank you to all saints – who has sincerely prayed for him through the Ark Channel in these days over the world ! – Pastor Siu Yung ?? (HK)
“…it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged.” <heb 6:18>

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