God Purifies Us!

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
..This is my beloved Son, in whom I have found my delight. <3:17>

Heavens & earth cry out together —- salvation is found in no one else :
1) Voice from the earth (3:1-12) —- Creator God awakes us through men. Repent, Turn to Christ now!
2) Merciful Voice from heavens (3:13-17) —-What an invisible relationship between Father God & us, much more precious than visible achievements on earth! It is God who decides who is inheriting the Kingdom!

* Yesterday we reported a former gambling & drugs addict who had tremendous change once turned to God. His mother also came to Christ when she saw great change of her son. The father was a vegetarian for 30 years – in order to acquire blessings for his two drug addicted sons from gods. However, one of his sons died. He found that he worshipped a wrong god. Then he was possessed by evil spirit, ended up staying in mental hospital. Now because of his son’s repentance, this father also believed in Christ & farewells to evil past!

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