Sunday Hope

Acts, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
For I am with you…<18:10>

Marriage, family, migration – all for Jesus and the brothers:
1. Service of Aquila and Priscilla – they opened up their home for fellowship of saints, they were as precious as the great apostles. When Paul arrived Corinth alone, he received help from their family which enabled him to preach for one & a half year (v.1–11)
2. Moving to Ephesus – there they equipped another apostle – Apollos. They invited him to their home again & taught him about God’s words! (v.24–26)
Is your family & home ready for Christ & saints?

?HK – Yesterday 58 baptized in Hk . A daughter encountered God before her mother’s operation . A woman worshipped idols for years, but attracted by Jesus when seeing a bad tempered relative turned gentle after believing. An aimless lady learnt to love after reading the Bible. A mother sent her son to Christian kindergarten -20 years ago ! She finally believed in Jesus in gospel meeting. (About 100 is going to be baptized today, back themup with prayer !)
?My grandpa , born in late Qing dynasty, is 104 now. Today he’ll be baptized in elderly home at 2:00 pm, pls pray for him! – Sam Kong / HK

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