Hope Against Hope?

Acts, Voice Divine Add comments
“God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them…” (Acts 15: 8 )

Tides of the times – God who testifies (Acts15):
1. Liberalists in 19th century didn’t believe in miracles, New Age Movement in 20th century believed that men can become God. The current of thoughts in every generations poses fierce challenge for the gospel!
2. The first challenge against the truth is settled by a fact testified by God Himself — Whoever has the Spirit who represents God’s Son, he is saved!

?Samuel Ching’s ??? new book – “168 Answers to Believers’ Question” (Chinese) is a mini encyclopedia of gospel problems! (included answers on daily life issues like-how to pray or read the Bible, filled by Spirit, facing adversity, getting rid of bad hobbies, freeing from demonic control, love & marriage, extramarital relations, homosexuality, facing death of loved ones, investment, being childless, family relations, making friends, working, financial planning, preaching, facing sickness & death, spiritual reading…
(recommended for Chineses pastors & new believers, especially for newly baptized. by Alliance Press, HK ?

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