Arms of Faith!

Acts, Voice Divine Add comments

A Church on the Move (Acts 8):
1. John Wesley, a graduate of Oxford, went abroad to US . He was in the first-class cabin while 26 brothers from Moravian Church in economy class. There was a storm in the sea , Wesley frightened. Then he heard somebody singing downstairs . He went down & saw 26 brothers singing & worshipping . He met God through these angels & so reborn !
2. The Ethiopian eunuch — Rarely can we find human beings in the desert , but God sent Philip there! The path of God far beyond our ration & wisdom. Philip was faithful to the desert , where he met the eunuch reading Isaiah 53. The eunuch baptized & returned home full of joy, spreading the gospel to N. Africaever since!

* Joy & Blessing- Gospel meeting (HK) —- two days ago gospel for elderly & housewives full of blessing! Coming up 3 more meetigs (9, 11, 12 July- HK Island, Tsuen Wan & Sun Po Kon). Pls pray for it! (10:00am)

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