Wait on Him!

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve. <4:10>

Ask and think deeper — why are we Living ?
1) Our reliance of alive (v1-4) — our physical need & enjoyments are all from above—-
for us to be able to live out the commandment from God.
2) Our strength of living (v.5-7) -our relationship with God does not merely depend on miracles.
Even if God not fulfill our wishes, we should rejoice & trust in Him.
3) Our meaning of life (v.8-11) — everything happens in life just a process. The ultimate goal
for to live out His image & glory in us!

* Two days ago, I met a doctor who once was a minister in HK before immigrated to Adelaide, Southern Australia, to practice medicine. There are 1000+ believers in his church, testifying gospel in Australia strong. Harvest great. Pls pray for cities in Australia.
* Michael Chang, former top tennis player, will present his testimony in an evangelistic meeting HK. My answers to yr enquiries :
1) Michael comes personally to HK to preach gospel. It’s not a video recording meeting.
2) He speaks English. Good to bring yr Eng speaking friends.
3) Pastor Young Man Chan the interpreter & preacher. He loves souls & knows a lot about life !
4) Putonghua interpretation provided.
(Pls pray for souls in HK. The event will be held in Kln City Baptist Church / Jan 1, 06 , evening [HK time]. Free adm. 2,000 seats. Call — 2409 1233)

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