Alpha ?Omega?

Acts, Voice Divine Add comments
And now I commit you to God, and to the word of his grace … (v.32, 35)

Revelation of life – complete the task, be a giver:
1. life is substantial & worthy when we accomplish the task God given to us! (v.22-24)
2. Jesus lay down his life for us; also Paul gave his all for the saints. To give – let us experience Christ & gain Christ – this is really the greatest blessing! (v.25-35)

?K. L. Yao??? & Fion, just moved from HK to Roma (Australia), reported: ” we’ ve moved from a busy city in the East to this small town ( only 4? when we landed), with population of 6,000 only, here is quiet & peaceful. We can ony see kangaroos busy around in the morning – and a starry sky at night…the world seems to change a lot to us, we just pray that we can use our remaining life to love God and men!”

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