The Same Hope !

Acts, Voice Divine Add comments
…and I have the same hope in God as these men.. (v.15)

Some ONE to love , some THINGS to do, some WHERE to hope:
1. No one resurrects from death except Jesus – and lives forever!
2. Paul only confesses one accusation when he stood for trial – which is preaching resurrection. Have we realized that things after death is more important then things in this life, so that we do our best to have no reason for shame before God or men?
“If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most unhappy” (1 Cor 15?19)

*In his new book “168 questions from saints” , Samuel Ching encourages us to memorise bible verses everyday. In fact he spent an hour everyday to memorise the New Testament when he was young; At last he finished rmemorise the whole NT in 11 months. At the same time many golden chapters in the OT, which became a great blessing in his life!

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