In God’s Sight!

Roman, Voice Divine Add comments
To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. (Rom 2:7)

5 questions for our hearts (Rom 2)
1. Can we stand before God’s judgment seat with nor regret? (v.1-3)
2. Have we defied the riches of God’s kindness, tolerance & patience? (v.4)
3. Are we seeking glory, honor & immortality with persistence? (v.5-11)
4. Are we using religious activities as a mask to hide our true selves? (v.12-16,25-29)
5. Do our words match our deeds? (v.17-24)

?2 dyas ago I had a nice fellowship with a Dr. Yeung. He came from Indonesia, After graduation from medical school in America , he got a well-paid job there, for 9 yearslong ,he could have a month’s holiday after working for each 4 weeks. He enjoyed everything he wanted. But the wealth & entertainment in this world couldn’t satisfy him. His heart was crazily empty; he even decided to jump from a place as high as a 30-storey-building into the sea — to kill himself. How did God save him? (Continue tomorrow.)

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