Lift up your eyes?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
… Come after Me…<4:19>

Great mission of the Kingdom — 4 Core projects of the King :
1. Calling — Remove the vanities of men ?v.18…23?
2. Teaching — Clear the misunderstandings of men?v.23a?
3. Preaching — Uproot people’s ignorance ?v.23?
4. Healing — Ease all pains of men ?v.23…24?
Are our servings deviating from Lord’s direction ?

? Someone asked Billy Graham: if he is to take care of a giant church, what strategies will he use? He said he will find 8-10 people willing to sacrifice for the Lord, to form a small group. Then he would use a few years to teach them all he knew, and then let everyone of them train 8-10 people likewise. The far-reaching impact is rooted from the fellowship like Christ and his disciples. ?interviewed in 1958?

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