SSunday Hope – A Call to Endure!

Sunday Hope Add comments

“if we are faithless, he will remain faithful…” (v.13)

What strengthen us to endure in hardship?

1. Divine Power – God’s grace will be with those with determination (v.1)
2. Spritual Heritage – We are among numeroous saints & sojourneyes (v.2)
3. Decision by Calling — no pain no gain , let’s suffer for Christ ! (v.3-6)
4. Best Choice – After deep thoughts & careful calculation , we still give ourselves to HIS Kingdom (v.7)
*Last week 31 saints from HK church went to mountain areas in China for mission trip. They crossed mountains to visit elders’ homes & schools, brought about 30 minority villagers to Christ. A wife from the village leader has believed in Jesus for 10 years, bringing half of the villagers to Christ ,but her husband yet unsaved. Bro Frankie , filled by the Spirit, told him that husband & wife should be like a pair of cows plowing in field – they must have the same yoke . Frankie sang a hymn aloud to him, & he couldn’t stand & prayed with Frankie– the whole family was saved!

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