Divine Approval!

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“Mercy triumphs over judgment!”(v.13) James 2

Divine Godliness – Two Ways of Living :
1. Like God – love others with no favoritism. (v.1-9)
2. By God’s power – Live out our faith by actions (v.10-26)

* Recently I met some Christian leaders in Ma On Shan , greatly encouraged by them . Led by God, 30+ of them started their ministry in this remote area in 97’. After 10 years’ hard work, now their church grows to 400+! Behold, harvest is near!

*The funeral of sister W. Y. Chu???(HK) will be held on 7/12 7:30pm & 8/12 noon in the 2/F of Universal Funeral Parlour. Her mother – Sau Tai??, being strengthened by God , had testified God’s presence & peace in several meetings. The Ark Channel will report her witness to all of you.

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