His Ears Attentive!

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“…the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous…”(v.12) 1 Peter 3

Pilgrim’s progress – following Christ in our remaining life:

1. Godly marriage (v.1-11) – live in harmony, receive the gracious gift of life together!
2. Do good in sufferings (v.12-22) – Give honour to the Lord, always in hope!

* The coming 2 months will be a season of gifts. I recommend you to give out Bibles a& good books, blessing your friends will true grace. (firstly I recommend “Essentials of the Bible 2” & “Daily Shower of Blessings” ?????2????????by Samuel Ching???. The various BIble translations by the Chinese Bible International Ltd. are also great products, also audio Bible in CDs & mp3…)

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