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“…when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life…” (1:12) James 1

Wisdom gained from trials:

1. In trials – those endure by faith will overcome (v.1-18)
2. In life – do your best to realize your faith (v.19-27)

*Nothing difficult with God – It’s hard to share gospel to Japanese, but a Christian scholar Kanzo Uchimura in the Meiji era turned to Jesus & served with his writings. He published in-depth bible commentaries & spiritual writings about the cross and resurrection . He faced poverty, misunderstandings, death of his daughter & persecutions. For 20 years he struggled with skepticism in hisfaith, at last the Spirit convinced him- that for sure Christ will return — so he submitted himself completely to Christ.
His writings influenced many saints in Japan. Be brave to share your faith with Japanese friends!

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