God cares for you

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“Cast all you anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (5:7) 1 Peter 5

God gives all grace:

1. Secret of pasturing the flock – be a witness of Christ’s sufferings (v.1-4)
2. Secret of church llife – be submissive and humble (v.5-6)
3. Secret of overcoming anxiety – have total trust in God (v.7-11)

* church in HK had 10 gospel meetings in the last 2 weeks, 380 attended, more than half (190+) of them answered altar calls. Praise Jesus our Lord!

*My mother-in-law not knowing Christ. suffering from pain & cannot walk ,in hospital. We are working hard in sharing gospel to her, pray for her salvaiton —-Edmond fr HK

* The Franklin Graham Festival be held this week in HK Stadium. Live broadcasting available at five places including Yuen Long Stadium & Macau. Harvest near! (Pray for revival of 400K Christians in HK, also for God’s words – 6 sermons , &f several hundred thousand souls attending meetings!)

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