Triumph Thundering!

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“But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward t oa new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.” (3:13) 2 Peter 3

A day or a thousand year? The Kingdom will come soon!

1. Live godly and holy, be prepared to meet our Lord (v.11-14)
2. Equip yourself with Lord’s words without distorting it (v.15-16)
3. Grow in both grace & knowledge (v.17-18)

* Elder C. H. Lau’s??? inspiring writings have helped many churches . His book “Honor Parents Biblically” is now in :

* The first night’s sermon of Franklin Graham Festival of HK was about the repentance of Zacchaeus the sinner, Jesus came to die for everyone! 1,900 made decision to follow Jesus in first night! Pls pray for today& tomorrow. Lord, save more HK people!

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