Be Found by Him!

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“…the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment.” (2:9) 2 Peter 2

Judgment is Near – Remember 2 things today:

1. Ask for God’s mercy – the wickedness, falsehood & adultery of this generation is even worse than the days of Noah & Lot! (v.1-22)

2. Preach righteousness – we should ask for God’s mercy to keep us from corruption, on the other hand also care for others, preach righteousness so that they can also receive God’s mercy & flee from judgment coming (v.5)

* The couple M. L. Chow???, H. L. Yung??? fr church of Richmond of Vancouver visited HK. They testified that saints in Vancouver used 4 years’ time to rmemorise 10 Books in NT. Starting from Ephesians, they have already finished 9 books , now starting 2 Peter ! What a solid foundation in His Words!

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