Be Perfect as Him!

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
…Let your light shine before men… (5:16)

Way of the Kingdom —- Core courses of Core values (Mt Ch.5-7 )
1. Character & connotation are more important than achievements and make-ups (5:1-9)
2. We as Aliens on earth will have great reward in heaven (5:10-47)
3. The true way is the narrow one; to gain, one should first loss (6:1-34)
4. Pain and sufferings first, and than comes glory (7:1-29)

* Michael Chang got champion in French Tournament” at his 17. His sponsor Reebok posted his photo in popular newspapers, stated , “At 17, someone went to Paris to study history, here is also someone creating history in Paris.” Michael Chang said in his autobiography : …”I know that there weren’t many times left for me as a professional player – if God permits…I am a Christian…I thank God in interview after the competition & give glory to Him. That is me . Even I left the tennis professional I will not change this identity…Life is not the shout of the crowd, interviews on TV, showing up in department stores or glorious victory only. I was led by Jesus Christ in first half of my life…I can’t imagine how I will go through these days without His love and guidance…Just like God has a plan for your life, He has a plan for my life.”

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