Stay in Him!

Voice Divine Add comments

“…when he appears, we shall be like him…who has this hope in him purifies himself…” (v.2-3) 1 John 3

Love divine – don’t fail from the grace of God:

1. The Father has loved us – that we became His children (v.1-3)
2. The Son has died for us – to cleanse our sin & to destroy the devil’s work (v.4-8)
3. The Spirit now living in us – that we can love God & men (v.9-10)

*Last week 33,000 were saved in HK. 2 boolets can be used for follow up .
– “To New Believers – How to Grow in Grace” by R.A.Torrey another one is “Way to Salvation” by C. K. Ng???, an evangelical leader in HK & Canada .

Both greatly used by God for years .

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