Sing a heavenly new hymn!

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“He (the Lamb) came and took the scroll from the right hand of him
who sat on the throne.” (Rev 5:7)

Fate of the Creations – in God’s hands

1. The sealed scroll (v.1-5) – Knowing that no one is worthy to open the scroll or , John wept in response. Do we precious the Lord’s Words like this? Are we anxious in knowing God’s will?

2. The Lamb who’s been slain (v.6-10) – only He is worthy, because he defeated Satan on the cross & had redeemed our sins with his blood. He has purchased us for God from every tribe and language & people and nation.

3. Chorus of new hymn (v.11-14) – He is the creator, supporter & the Omega. Worshipping the Lord , this is the way to overcome adversity!

Knowing the future is not so important as to know who holds the future!


* Bro C. H. Lam’s??? father blindly believed in idols & his heart was still hard even before his death. But Lam prayed with saints unceasingly . One day the father told his son that an angel in the ward turns its back to him. The son said it was because he kept on refusing Jesus , so the angel doesn’t pay attention to him. The father repented & believed in the Lord, he witnessed that that angel served him after he turned to God, and his pain was gone. Before his death ,his wife asked whether or not to burn stuffs for him, the father said firmly that he saw the house in heaven is beautiful enough,he will trust the Lord with all his heart ,then he passed away in peace!

*News from saints in China – God did great thing here today, 10 saints were baptized into our Lord’s name, in the gathering that night we preached the gospel with excellent their testimonies & near 20 friends believed in Jesus ! – Bro KM in Christ

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