I will Repay!

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“…together with the prayers of the saints…(v.4)

Fire onto the earth – prayers of the righteous shake the world:

1. Prayers of the saints ignited God’s judgment (v.1-6) — Churches in every generation suffered ersecutions. God listens to every single prayer of the saints in turmoil. Incense & prayers of the saints go up before God . Hearing the prayers, God will start His judgments!

2. Lord said, “It is mine to avenge, I will repay.” (v.7-13) – Don’t take revenge yourself, but leave room for God’s wrath. Lord said, “It is mine to avenge, I will repay.” God will judge according to His times. Just put everything in God’s hands, using prayers to move His hands!


* Few days before I met some saints from Macau. God has spared 7,000 who haven’t bowed to Baal there. There many saints living for God’s glory in Macau, their testimonies click — http://macautimes.net/ (Pls pray for the souls of this city of gambling.)

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