The Lord comes on clouds!

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“… the earth was harvested.” Rev 14:16

Time’s come for God to harvest!

1. In the world’s last 3.5 years God’s field is ripe, the Son of Man comes to the clouds between the 6th & 7th trumpet (the 1st hidden appearance of Christ). And an angel called, “take your sickle and reap…”

2. After the 7th trumpet is sounded, all saints worthy will be caught up to the clouds and be with our Lord forever (1 Thes 4/ the caught up happens before the judgment of the 7 bowls). Those unbelievers are emained on the earth to bear the disasters of the 7 bowls & are thrown into the winepress of God’s wrath in the battle of Armageddon.

3. We are seeds sowed by the Lord, and have become God’s field (Mt 13, 1 Cor 3:9). Trials make us mature, so stop complaining & start praising! (A brother’s wife got a stroke after marrying for a year, but he stayed loyal to both e thLord & his wife. Till now 25 years have passed, his life was so mature, overflowing with the fragrance of Christ

* fr Sam Kong – I’m going to preach in a secondary school in Chai Wan(HK) with an ex-prisoner /killer Uncle Tong , & Ming Kou who came fr a broken family, pray for us!

*Gd news from HK – youth gospel meeting yesterday 700+ attended , 180+ received Jesus as personal Saviour ! Glory be to God!

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