We shall Triumph!

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“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.” (11:15) Rev 11

3 testimonies in the last hours – disasters will end:

1. Proclamation of the mighty angel (10:1-11) – God’s judgment will have no more delay!
2. The 2 Witnesses (11:1-14) – They will preach, martyr & raise from death!
3. Worship of the Elders in heaven (11:15-19) – Christ’s kingdom will come, the enemies will be destroyed, judgment will arrive, saints will be rewarded!


* In WWI thousands of Armenians died for the faith in the Turks’ hands. The grandfather of Doctorian the evengelist , was shot with 25 bullets because he didn’t denied Jesus’ name. His grandmother was brought to execution with other women, they were given a last chance to deny Jesus’ name. His grandmother said “NO” bravely, & put herself under the axe. Only one reason can account for their bravery – Jesus is their beloved Savior!

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