Made them white

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“…These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” (Rev 7:14)

1. The 6th seal – turmoil of the world – supernatural disasters , wrath of God & the Lamb has come (6:12-17). Devoted Israelis are sealed & spared from disasters. (7:3-8)

2. Look up the sky for a different scene – The 4 creatures & the 24 elders, together with all angels, worship God unceasingly. After uncovering the 6th seal, numerous saints in white robes join the worship (11-12). They came out of great tribulation , have washed their robes & made them white in the blood of Lamb – the first group of saints taken up by Lord!

3. Made their robes white in Jesus’ blood – In time of the 5th seal, living saints will be taken up at any moment. They have made their robes white in Jesus’ blood in every hardships & sufferings. White robes refer to righteous deeds . Do live out righteousness by faith today !


*Good news from Sister Yu Yu??(HK) – I’m going to be baptized on Christmas 25/12!…having believed in Jesus for 2 years… I started studying for my associate degree…all schoolmates fighting for a way to degree course, they lived in tension every day…everyone just live for a hope of bachelor degree…but in my school’s Christian Fellowship, we strived for the gospel … I decided not to insist getting a degree, because life can only be made perfect with God! I prayed, “Father, I don’t care about the bachelor degree anymore, I’ll only follow your will & your way…” When I put things aside , I am released ! Now I am freshman in university , thank my Abba Father! Saints , keep up! Be good workers In Christ, —Sister -Yu Yu

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