Walking with our King!

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… God with us..( 1:23) Matthew 1

New year new way — Christ is our —

1. Messiah – brings us salvation, God with us (Chp 1)
2. Son of God – whom God loves (Chp 3)
3. The Light – shines on darkness & death (Chp 4)
4. The Holy One – can fulfill the Law in us (Chp 5 – 7)
5. The Almighty One – creates the miracle for you (Chp 8 )
6. The Son of Living God – the head of the church (Chp 16)
7. The King – comes at anytime (Chp 24)
8. Dead and risen – the King of Peace – sends us to the world (Chp 26-28 )


* Time flies , so EACH DAY in 08 — reserve a time for Him . Study at least a chapter of the Book. Listen to a word from HIs mouth . Seek a friend miserable & backslided , share the gospel to the lost ones -Day by Day ! .. I can do everything through him who gives me strength…. (Phil 4:13)

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