Boundless love!

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“Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. (Rev 22:20)

Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

1. Love forever –The Song of Solomon describes love cannot be quenched by waters. This book is part of the Bible as it reflects the beautiful relationship between Christ & Church. The Holy City comes down & we will enjoy the love of Christ with other saints in the city forever!

2. Forever presence — the Lord and us are lovers , now being separated. Christ is longing to return to cleanse the sinful world & have banquet with His bride. That’s why He said for three times, –I am coming soon¡.


* In the new heaven & earth, no more sufferings – destroyed earth, polluted (sinful) world, sadden tears, death, worries, diseases & horrible memories will all disappear! What a glorious prospect! John also prays, Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

Footprints of the saints . Alex Lam to London soon, . Peace be with him. Bro Leung & his wife visited HK , lovely fellowship with HK saints. They are now back to Canada to serve the Lord of the lords. William Yip & his wife Ann from Vancouver, Bro Yeung Chi Keung & Kwok Ngai Lee couple from Shanghai visit the church HK . Youth Stephen Fok went to Australia to study . May he continue to love God & church.

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