Love your Enemies!

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
… for He makes His sun rise on evil and good, and sends rain on just and unjust. <5:45>

Be the Father’s sons — 4 challenges for heavenly men :
1 Am I willing to do more , and sacrifice more for others ?v.47??
2. When I judge things, am I using the Father’s view or the world’s standard ?v.48??
3. Can I keep my words – like the Father – under every circumstances (v.33… 37??
4. What is my response – when I am hurt and insulted ?v.38… 42??

? Yesterday I knew a Christian who had led 100 people to Christ! HIs method simple, to everyone he met, he said, “Even people like me can believe in Jesus. You can also be saved…”
? Tonight?9/1 HK?Michael Chang and pastor Chan Young Man will hold a gospel meeting. Be reminded – no parking places in Kowloon City Baptist Church, come early if you want to bring along someone. Pray hard, save someone at least!

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