His Love & Righteousness Unchanged!

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You are the salt of the earth, the light of the world… (5:13-14) Mat 5 a

The life qualify of the Children of God — to live out the truth, pureness & love:

1. Being the salt — we are ordinary people , but we do have amazing impact to stop the indulgence of this world , heal many hearts ! (v.13)

2. Being the light — we appear to be weak. However, wherever there is a Christian, darkness is driven away and replaced by hope divine. (v.14)


New year new wish — In 08 , suggest reading a spiritual book per month — you may finish reading 12 books by the end of 08! We can only live for once. Ancient saints shared their experiences & inspiration through in ink . If we read their work, it is like living for several times more! Introducing 12 books which helped me a lot . Six of them today –
1. ???? (stoires of China Inland Mission)
2. Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire (Jim Cymbala)
3. ????? (stories of Finney, Moody & Martin Luther etc )
4/5. On the Barren Upland / Trails of Glad Tidings in Shan Xi (Annie Skau Berntsen¡¦s testimony)
6. Autobiography of John Wanamaker

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