Inner Light!

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“If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.” v. 22

2 Ways of receiving HIs Blessings – always forgive & stop worrying:

1. Forgive others (v.14-15) – Human history is a history of war. God’s forgiveness is complete – remembering men’s sins no more (Heb 10:17) If we forgive in hearts, without leaving a little bit of feeling offended, we are free! This also proves that God’s had forgiven us!

2. …don’t worry about tomorrow (v. 34) – Man worries losing God’s protection. Worldly wealth is uncertain & will fly away (1 Tim 6:17/ Prov 23:5). We love & serve Mammon because our values are wrong –is our inner Light dimmed? (v. 23)

Who can protect & provide us richly? Lord said, “seek first his kingdom & his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (v. 31,33)


*Love from Toronto — ” We are glad to receive Ark Channel in the past 5 years.Prayers for the saints in need equip us as prayer companions over the world …we tend to forget His blessings, yet it is so encouraging to count his blessings in 2007 …let’s remember each other in prayers, encouraging each other every day!

– Love in Christ, Jeremiah & Livia, Jan 8 (fr Toronto)

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