Freely Give!

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“…Freely you have received, freely give.” (Mt 10:8)

Freely give – what have I given to Jesus ?

1. J. Goforth (1859-1935) who went to Henan of China with his wife. Later His wife grew tired of the unrest life, she asked her husband before going back to Canada– If I got an incurable disease at home, will you be back to see me? Goforth reply,- If our country goes to war with the enemy country & I’m the frontline commander…should I leave my post & went back to see you?”

2. He remained in China. At his 73 he was blind, yet he kept on preaching in various places. He was back to Canada when he was 74 & still led 500 meetings before he died. On the last Sunday in his life ,he gave 4 sermons & passed away in peace when he was asleep. The first group of missionaries was the 12 disciples, & they all died for Lord at last except Judas!

Numerous missionaries followed our Lord to freely give their lives in history! Now, what are we going to sacrifice?


* News of church in Calgary, Canada – Bro S. K. Choi???phoned me from Calgary, greeting you all in the new year. The gospel prospers there, 6,000 saints in his church . They have recently established Chinese meeting. May the Lord’s words prosper & spread throughout the whole Canada!

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