Living & Abiding Word!

Peter 1, Voice Divine Add comments
being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible <1:23>
live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear. <1:17>

Our Father is faithful — leads us to grow in 3 ways:
1. Going through trials by faith — to win the crown of life. (v2-12)
2. Defeating life tests after reborn — to triumph over adversity & temptations. (v.13-18)
3. Accepting the word planted in you — to live in reverent fear. (v19-27)

*Prepare to meet our Lord: James Chu from Ny and Bro Tse from Vancouver came to HK to share messages on the Lord ‘s coming Return. May download or listen (Mandarin or Cantonese) :

*Christian leaders Tse Ching with his wife fr Canada , Walter Yam with his wife fr Singapore came to HK. They witnessed God’s love is great & unchanging., encouraged us to live for Him and to serve His flock. We prayed with tears, farewell in hope. (Tse serves in in Vancouver ,while Walter, together with other young leaders such as Sam Lam & Oong Sang, serves in BrethrenChurch. (about 1,800 saints. Plspray for these two places. Let Jesus shine!)

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