No More Fear

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since he has no root… (v.21) Matthew 13a

1. Dr Wong, came from University of California, suffers from brain paralysis since childhood. Her student asked — Are you angry (with this)? She wrote on blackboard, .. My parents love me! .. God loves me very much! .. I can draw! … I can write!.. .finally she wrote, – I only count on what I have & I don’t count on what I have not…

2. She trusts God & His words , joyful & full of hope.


– pray for young people– after 105 newly baptized , the church in HK will have college gospel meeting. Pray for further harvest !

– Bro Samuel Ching ‘s new booklet — verses of 52 topics. This book helps you memorise 260 verses in one year (5 verses per week. ) Heaven & Earth will pass but God’s words remains! Start investing in God’s words today!

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