Amen Above All!

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..when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down…. (v.32) Matthew 14b

Two crises we face in our life …

1. Falling short (v.15-21) — we do encounter helpless situation. Trust in Him & tell Jesus our needs. The Lord will remember – His arm never draws back!

2. Having Doubt (v.22-23) — if you doubt, you have two opposite standpoints. Serving God & money at the same time? Loving God & seeking the World? Living by faith & also by sight… all these will keep you a man of little faith.

The one who has faith does not have other standpoints beyond God.’s view!


*Recently I listened to James Hudson Taylor (?????) about a story of a missionary Samuel Dyer. Dyer came to CHina for the gospel , hegot a fever in Guangzhou. Before he died, he said, … my body should be buried in China .Use our tombs in return for the whole nation turning to God! .. He passed away in Macau , buried beside Morrison.

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