My Church, My Way!

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and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah… (Matthew 16:4) Matthew 16 (Part 1)

Christ and Christ alone, no one except Jesus:
1. Other than ‘the sign of the prophet Jonah’ (Christ’s rising from the dead), we have no other means by which we can be saved! (v.1-4)
2. Other than ‘Christ, the Son of the living God’. No one can take on the great task of building the church! (v.13-20)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 16 (Part 1) Chinese Version


* Story of ABC — A is a friend of B, who is very rich, worry-free in life, yet he declines the gospel. A worries about the salvation of B, he sends him a gospel tract — “Prepare to meet your God!”. B does not appreciate it & in turn sends the pamphlet to his friend C, also a rich man.C does read the pamphlet & greatly touched by the message, he receives the Lord into his life. C becomes so enthusiastic with sharing the good news with others that he sends the pamphlet to another friend. Guess who ? This pamphlet goes back to A!

Praise the Lord ! (What about B, is he saved?)

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