Unclear in sight! Faithful in walk!

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But Jesus came and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.” (Matt 17:7)

What is the drive that moves us forward in our pilgrim to heaven?

1. For the last half year of Jesus??time on earth, He mainly engaged in training disciples to:
i. know Him as Christ, with the mission to build the Kingdom of God (the church).
ii. follow Him, take up one?? own cross & follow Him
iii. see Him come in glory in future (Matt 16:16-20, 21-26, 27-28)

2. Christ demonstrated the great might & glory as in the King of the Heavenly Kingdom , upholding the disciples in their pursuit of the way of the cross.

3. Having seen the Glory of Christ, Moses chose to suffer. Throughout the generations, all those who witnessed the glory of God walked the way of the cross most willingly.

Day by day, we need to come before the Lord & look up to His glory. It moves us forward!


* News of Saints from around the world –Bro TSE Man Sang & family who emigrated from HK to Norfolk in the East Coast of US settle down well. Encouraged by the love of the Lord, all four in the family spend more than two hours driving up north to Richmond for church meetings on the Lord??

Days. This is a great encouragement to saints in Richmond . Bro LEUNG Kwong Chiu in Toronto, Bro TSANG Kin Yip in Hamilton, New Zealand, Bro CHAN Wing Kin in Singapore have returned to HK to visit & share cordial fellowship with the saints.

Bro CHOI See Kit called from Canada telling us about his visit to Hawaii, where in a church meeting, he met Bro CHEUNG Man Yee, who was saved in HK mnay years ago.The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth. May we remember churches in all lands in our prayer!

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