Forget Grievance of the Past!

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However, this kind (the demon) does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” (Matt. 17:21)

Listen — His command we obey.

1. The call of the Lord —- Bring him here to Me! (v.17)

2. The counsel of the Lord — Except by prayer and fasting, he (the demon) does not go out. (v.21)

Scripture of the day: Matt. 17b Chinese Version


*After the release of the Story of ABC, saints are encouraged and confident in sowing the seeds of gospel again . There are saints who earnestly ask whether, in the end, B repented and received the Lord or not! The answer is left in suspense because we, at Ark Channel, do not know the answer either. The one thing for sure is the labor of A & C in the Lord is reaping fruits.

***Countdown! 7 days to the “New Life, New Hope” Gospel Meetings in Hong Kong***

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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