With God All things are possible!

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…”… whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. (Matt. 18:18)

Exercise the power of the heavenly kingdom – pray for two types of people (v.18-20):
1. For the lost sheep (v.12-14)
2. For the brother who does wrong against you (v.15-17 , 21-35)

Scripture of the day: Matt. 18b Chinese Version

* fr an Indian brother in HK — ” May GODs love keep the fire burning within your spirit despite the cold winter… Pls pray for me, I m going to Jakarta, to meet my fiancee and prepare for my wedding, I have bought some bookmarks for my fiancee students, will write bible verses !!!!

pls pray for every bookmark given out , that these primary students abt 40 may know the LORD JESUS CHRIST — thanks , Sunny ( Santosh Gurnani )

***Countdown! 5 days to the “New Life, New Hope” Gospel Meetings in HK– Session 1: 9 Feb, HK International Trade & Exhibition Center 6/F – Support in prayer! To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. (Rom. 2:7)***

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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