Father Knows ?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
No one can serve two masters… <6:24>

Look closer — where comes those 4 powers :
1. Where are your treasures?v.19…21?…Do you know you have to rely on God’s blessings behind all your labour?
2. Where is your inner light?v.22…23?…Can you consider worldly matters in a heavenly view?
3. Who is yourr boss?v.24? …Do you know that you are accountable to the headquarter in heaven?
4. Where is your rest?v.25…34?…Do you seek for God’s way so as to be freed from the control of money & enjoy a care-free life?

Where are you indeed?

? Last night Michael Chang and Chan Young Man ??? held the gospel meeting together. God’s love poured; 3,000 people coming, with 300 who couldn’t enter. 100+ believed in Jesus! A teacher James Chu sent me good news– he read the notice yesterday & brought a bus driver to come, and he was saved! Michael Chang’s imessage
? Great harvest in my church: 102 going to be baptized on Sat, pls pray for them. (They looked zealous in yesternight’s prayer meeting)

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