Extraordinary Love

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Doing small things with great love !

…With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. (Matt 19:26)

Come to Jesus, Come now:
1. Have we ever brought little children to the Lord? (v.13-15)
2. Are we willing to give up our most treasured for the Lord? (v.16-22)
3. Do we know there is unlimited payback in following the Lord? (v23-30)

Scripture of the day: Matt 19b


*International Herald Tribune reported in a recent survey that 60% of the people in Taiwan are superstitious in astrology. Between 94-04, people who are obsessed with speculating their destiny in life have sharply increased by 44%. Politicians and intellectuals are consumed with idols worshipping and fortune-telling. During the Chinese New Year, let’s all earnestly pray for the salvation of Chinese around the world.

* the story of Christopher Yuan, an ex-drug dealer turned to Christ — how he experienced God’s grace and the many changes in Christ . – personal web site . http://www.christopheryuan.com/

Countdown —- 3 days to the “New Life, New Hope” Gospel Meetings HK International Trade & Exhibition Center 9 Feb— 3:00pm (Session 1 –“Be Happy!”)

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